Without a doubt, the Utah criminal justice system imposes harsh penalties on convicted criminal offenders. It also provides extensive services to help put troubled youth on the right track before they commit crimes, and even after they become youth offenders. An experienced juvenile defense lawyer can help families in Salt Lake City and elsewhere in Utah take advantage of these programs to help provide their children with the opportunity for a successful future.
For many youthful offenders, the first contact with the Juvenile Justice System occurs after they commit an offense that results in arrest by police. While police have the discretion to let offenders off with a warning, they also have other options, including taking them to a referral center to make further decisions about the disposition of their cases. While some offenders may obtain a release to their homes or referral to other services, others may go before a juvenile court and potentially face some form of detention.
Bringing in the support of experienced Salt Lake City juvenile defense attorneys early after an arrest helps ensure children have the best opportunity to retain their freedom. A skilled attorney works directly with the children to learn the details behind the arrest and help them understand how to talk with law enforcement and the courts. They remain at their sides to protect their rights throughout the process.
The defense lawyers at Larsen, Larsen, Nash & Larsen believe youthful errors should generally not require punishment by the full force of the law. We are committed to the long-term well-being of your children. We offer free consultations to individuals throughout northern Utah. Contact us to learn how we can help.