Criminal Justice Attorney
Legal Support in Salt Lake City
- Affordable attorney serving Alpine and surrounding areas
- Best lawyer near you
- Cheap lawyer for quality service
- Close by and available for a convenient consultation
- Dependable and honest representation
- Local criminal attorney who will help fight for you
It doesn’t matter what charges you are facing. The lawyers at Larsen Larsen Nash & Larsen will represent each client with the utmost respect. We work hard to minimize the adverse effects on your life. We represent Utah criminal cases in the areas of domestic violence, drug crimes, theft defense, traffic offenses, as well as felony and misdemeanor charges.
Personal Injury Attorney
Personal Injury Claims in Salt Lake City Utah
- Salt Lake City attorney serving all of Utah
- Experienced Lawyers in SLC
- A reliable personal injury lawyer
- Personal injury law advice in and out of court
- Personal injury representation throughout Utah
If you have been injured in a car accident, rely on a professional personal injury attorney to handle your case. The lawyers of Larsen, Larsen, Nash & Larsen will fight for a fair settlement and handle the stress of it. They will give you the personalized attention you deserve.
DUI Lawyer
Top DUI Attorney Serving all of Utah
- Experienced and knowledgeable representation
- Expert law advice available
- Loyal and empathetic support
- Professional and affordable lawyers
- Right law firm for you
- We represent the hardest cases
The penalties for a DUI in Utah are among the strictest in the entire country. Even the lowest penalties of a first-time DUI conviction are severe. The attorney’s within our Salt Lake City Law Firm are highly trained and professional. Their goal is to achieve dismissed or reduced charges, minimal penalties, or even expungement for each client.
Salt Lake City, Utah
SLC is the largest city in Utah, as well as the state’s capital. It sits in a mountain bowl 4,300 feet up, with quick access to all types of experience: four world-class ski resorts a short ways from Salt Lake International Airport (with 10 more outside city restricts); a lineup of slanty gullies toward the east with a hundred alternatives for climbing, biking, ascending and outdoors; a Great Salty Lake toward the west to vessel and drifting; and there’s golf, as well, for you golfers.
There are a lot of indoor activities in Salt Lake City, as well. Opera and drama halls that seat from 20 to 20,000. Restaurants showcasing food from around the world. Grand movie theaters with IMAX screens, with food and dessert choices right inside. Beautiful exhibition halls, shopping centers; and sports arenas dot the city.
What’s more, bear in mind the unparalleled Temple Square, the gothic-and-rock HQ of Mormon-dom. There’s even an event nightlife (“even” in light of the fact that a few people expect a night out in Utah to be as dry as the air). Salt Lake City has anything you might need, and nothing you don’t.
Larsen Larsen Nash & Larsen
2974 West 3500 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
(801) 964-1200
City of Salt Lake City
451 S State St | Salt Lake City, UT | 84111
Telephone: (801) 535-7704
Rocky Mountain Power
PO Box 25308 | Salt Lake City, UT | 84125
Telephone: (801) 237-2293 | Toll-free: (888) 221-1070
Dominion Energy
PO Box 45841 | Salt Lake City, UT | 84139-0001
Toll-free: (800) 323-5517
Emergency (24-hour service): (800) 767-1689